Deesha Power Solutions is a niche techno-commercial consulting organisation in India helping clients for energy transitions and net zero solutions. We work with large corporates, investors, banks and ESG stakeholders for Net Zero Strategy and its implementation. We are the only consulting outfit in India having experience in GH2 Project development, contracting and its feasibility assessment. Further, Deesha Power takes pride advocating GH2GNH3 opportunities and challenges through thought white papers and articles.

Our team members have hands-on experience in operations and project execution. We look at the business from a decision maker's perspective and typically end up working with C level executives for addressing their priorities. We start by asking the right questions, consult stakeholders, do in-depth secondary research, come out with the practical solutions, which are then translated into actions on the ground. In short, we act as a catalyst for positive outcome.

Our clients hire us for primary interaction driven consulting engagements and that’s our biggest USP!
